Challenge Day 10

First two-digit-day of my Challenge today! Everything went a bit different  to the last few days today as I normally ate at a certain time (or tried to) and today friends came over and we had a “food session”. They brought Pasta salad and Tiramisu and I made another kind of Tiramisu (Apple tiramisu, delicious!). That means that I practically was eating half of the afternoon, but it was big fun! We all agreed in doin that again soon. Maybe we even create a Facebook-Group for it. (“The not-anonymous eat addicts” or something like that 😀 ) Oh, and I nearly forgot – no chocolate in Tiramisu so I’m still fine with my Challenge :)!

In the evening I did some Sports Active but today it was more tiring than the last week when I did it. After that I ate Dinner, loads of it.. and now I’m stuffed and tired. But at least I ate a piece of cucumber with the Dinner.

Ok, that’s it already for today again. Please give me Feedback, if you died already of boredom about my posts or if you like what I do here, or what you would wanna hear (more) of.

Picture by love<3janine

2 responses to “Challenge Day 10

  1. Na hoffentlich war das Tiramisu nicht mit Kakao bestreut, wie sich das ja normalerweise gehört *g*

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